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According to updates from the Hong Kong Cancer Registry (Hospital Authority) on 24 Oct 2017, the number of newly diagnosed colorectal cancer has exceeded 5,000 cases, which is an alarming figure. Since the start of the Cancer Registry in Hong Kong, colorectal cancer is the first cancer type to reach over 5,000 cases, and is now the second most common cause of cancer related deaths. Colorectal cancer most commonly develop from polyps.  Lower your risk of colorectal cancer by going for screening to remove these polyps today!


Figure from 2015 Top-ten cancer incidence rate in HK:

2015 Top-ten cancer incidence rate in HK

Figure from 2015 Top-ten cancer death rate in HK:

2015 Top-ten cancer death rate in HK

Figures from the Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority on 24 Oct 2017